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#IWD2022 - Celebrating NRA Ladies

2023-04-20 10:04:18


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Nuclear Regulatory Authority.


Coming to work as is typical of any regular day only to be ushered into a room beautifully adorned with purple, green, white and red decorative pieces, and eventually leaving with a newly learned skill among other beautiful memories, was certainly an interesting and fun way to celebrate the female staff of NRA for their hard work and dedication, as part of activities to mark the 2022 International Women’s Day celebrations.


International Women’s Day, celebrated on 8 March every year, is a global day for celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It offers an opportunity to reflect on progress made, call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities. Most importantly, it is a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

The theme for International Women’s Day 2022, #BreakTheBias, was to buttress the hope for a gender-equal world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination; a world where difference is valued and celebrated. It is a firm belief that together we can forge women’s equality, and collectively, we can all #BreakTheBias. To this end, the thirty-one hardworking Ladies of NRA who tirelessly brave the odds stacked up against them in a typically male-dominated space, to achieve great strides, raise awareness against bias and to also take action for equality; were hosted to a lively afternoon of skill-sharing, networking and interaction outside the confines of their offices.

The informal session saw the ladies being spoken to on the importance of the theme for the day, as well as tips on self-care to being a better version of themselves. The NRA ladies were then taught to make simple yet fashionable earrings from beads by a colleague, and what an amazing sight it was to see talents unearthed as each lady surprised herself and others with colourful and imaginative designs after such a brief period.  Finally, the ladies engaged in interesting games over finger foods and drinks to crown their celebrations.

Author: Nuclear Regulatory Authority, International Relations and Public Affairs (IRPA)

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