+233 30 396 7706 / 30 396 5928    official.mail@nra.gov.gh

Brief History

NRA became operational on January 11, 2016 when 57 Staff of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission were transferred to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority.

Prior to the establishment of NRA, the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) was responsible for carrying out this Regulatory function through the Radiation Protection Board.

Click to download NRA Strategic Plan 2021-2025
Who We Are?

Vision: To ensure humans and the environment are protected from all harmful effects of radiation.

Mission: To regulate radiation and nuclear facilities to meet national and international standards and obligations in a professional, objective and transparent manner

What We Do?

The NRA regulates the use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation by putting in place all the necessary regulations and guidance to help users of radiation and members of the public meet the regulatory requirements and to enforce these regulations. The object of these controls is to ensure that in the use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, humans (workers, the general public and patients) and the environment are protected from the harmful effects of undue exposure to radiations.

NRA Core Values
  • Professionalism: Adhere to standard operating procedures in performance of duties using competent staff
  • Integrity: Honesty in dealing with clients and stakeholders
  • Transparency: In communication, decision making with licensees, relevant stakeholders and the public in an appropriate and accurate manner
  • Objectivity: to be fair to all clients and other stakeholders.

"Ensuring the protection of people and the environment from radiation hazards"
Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) Organogram

The Authority is governed by a seven-member Board. The Board, among other things, formulates policies and regulations for managing staff of the Authority as well as to oversee the safety and security of facilities and activities.

The day-to-day administrative activities of the NRA are managed by a Director General with the assistance of a Deputy Director General.

There are three Directorates and fifteen (15) departments to carry out technical and administrative activities to enable the Authority to achieve its mandate.

Annual budget – the NRA is supported financially by the provision of budgetary allocations by the Government of Ghana.

Ing. Dr. Nii Kwashie Allotey is the Director-General of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Ghana since July 2019. He is a Geo-Structural Engineer with over 21 years of experience by profession and a Senior lecturer at the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences (SNAS), University of Ghana. He obtained a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Western Ontario in Canada and is a member of the Ghana Institute of Engineers and the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Ing. Dr. Allotey has worked as both a geotechnical and structural design consultant and project manager on various projects in different parts of the world including large pile foundation designs and seismic soil-structure interaction studies for nuclear power plants. Prior to his appointment as the Director-General of the NRA, he was the Director of the Nuclear Power Institute of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission and has led Ghana’s nuclear power programme from concept to its current end of Phase 1 status.

Ing. Dr. Nii Kwashie Allotey, PhD, PE-GhIE,
Director- General, Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Ghana (NRA)

Professor Aba Andam is the President of Ghana Institute of Physics, a position she has occupied since September 2019. She is a Fellow of the UK Institute of Physics, the Ghana Institute of Physics, and the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences of which she was President from 2017-2018. She has held research and teaching appointments at universities and research institutions in UK, Italy, Germany, and Ghana. She has a Ph.D. in Cosmic Radiation Physics from the University of Durham in the UK and is the first recipient of the prestigious UNESCO Chair for Women in Science in Africa (West Africa Region). She has served as a member of the Commission on Physics and Development (C13) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), 2018 to date, and member of the Committee on the proposed African Light Source from 2020 to date. She is Foundation Chairman, Council of University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana, (2012-2015); Foundation Chairman, Council of Koforidua Polytechnic, Ghana, (1997 – 2002); Member, Governing Board of Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, (1997-2001, then 2002 -2008); Foundation Member of the First IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics and Leader of the Ghana Team of the IUPAP Conferences on Women in Physics to date. Prof. Aba Andam has served as a member of the National Council for Tertiary Education, and received awards from Obaa Mbo, a TV Programme, The Women of Excellence Award of the Ministry of Gender, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), and the Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management of Ghana.

Prof. Aba Ayisa Bentil Andam, FGA, FInstP, FG,
NRA Board Chairperson 2019- Present

Functions & Regulatory Control Programme

Summary of Functions

The main regulatory functions of the NRA can be summarized as follows:

  • Development of regulations and guides
  • Regulatory review and assessment
  • Regulatory inspection to ensure compliance with regulatory standards
  • Issuance of authorisations and permits to facilities and for activities
  • Enforcement of regulatory requirements
  • Conduct research to support regulatory decisions
  • Cooperation with other local and international regulatory bodies and agencies to enable effective support of the coordination of nuclear and radiological emergencies
  • Educate the public on radiation and nuclear matters
  • Implementation of appropriate international legal instruments to which Ghana is a signatory

Facilities and activities that we regulate

  • Medical
  • Industrial
  • Research
  • Education
  • Agriculture

Governing Legislation

Management Staff

Ing. Dr. Nii Kwashie Allotey

  • Director General

Prof. Augustine Faanu

  • Director
  • Radiological & Non-Ionizing Installation

Prof. Emmanuel Ampomah-Amoako

  • Director
  • Nuclear Installations

Mrs. Efua Kayang

  • Director
  • Finance & Administration

Theodora Amarh

  • Board Secretary & Head
  • Legal

Mr. Seth Worlanyo Banu

  • Head
  • Internal Audit

Ms. Sheila Victoria Gbormittah

  • Head
  • International Relations and Public Affairs

Prof. Rex Gyeabour Abrefah

  • Head, Nuclear Safety Dept.
  • Nuclear Installations

Etornam Ann Mensah

  • Ag. Head, Nuclear Security Dept.
  • Nuclear Installations

Lawrence Kodzo Ameh

  • Ag. Head, Nuclear Safeguards Dept.
  • Nuclear Installations

Dr. Cyrus Cyril Arwui

  • Head, Radiological Applications Dept.
  • Radiological & Non-Ionizing Installation

Dr. Prince Kwabena Gyekye

  • Head, Emergency Preparedness & Response Dept.
  • Radiological & Non-Ionizing Installation

Dr. Henry Lawluvi

  • Head, Non-Ionising Applications Dept.
  • Radiological & Non-Ionizing Installation

Mr. Michael Obeng

  • Head, Instrumentation & ICT Dept.
  • Radiological & Non-Ionizing Installation

Mr. Daniel Darko Asare

  • Head, Finance Dept.
  • Finance & Administration

Ms. Annie Dweh

  • Head, Human Resource Dept.
  • Finance & Administration

Mr. James Kuofie

  • Head, General Services and Procurement Dept.
  • Finance & Administration